Brightening Up Neighborhoods Across Durham
Spending time outside while planting tree saplings reminded us of how interdependent our quality of life is to the natural world around us.
Learn About Our Community Outreach
We spent a beautiful February day brightening up neighborhoods across Durham with young trees and fresh mulch.
With each new tree planted, we embraced the goal Keep Durham Beautiful has of planting 1,000 trees.
Not only is this organization adding beauty to its hometown, it is providing a cleaner and healthier community for everyone who calls Durham home.
Partnering with Keep Durham Beautiful completely made sense and it gave us an opportunity to have fun with our Leaf & Limb team members.
Every month we enjoy volunteering with area organizations during our Project Pando volunteer day.
During this volunteer project we were able to plant 31 new trees and donate 85.25 paid volunteer hours with a value of $2,983.75 for this important cause.
We love supporting our employees' champion causes. Our Director of Consulting, Katie Rose, selected Keep Durham Beautiful due to its alignment with her love of nature.
We would love for you to join us in our quest of volunteering with a wide variety of organizations every month. March is shaping up to be a fun-filled day of tree planting and pruning while we celebrate Arbor Day at Durham Central Park.
Learn more about Durham Central Park, Keep Durham Beautiful, and our Leaf & Limb Project Pando.